How to Use Your Hormonal Fluctuations to Help Your Business
Have you ever spent an entire workday at your desk only to realize your house is a disaster, there’s no food in the refrigerator, and you haven’t had a sip of water or bathroom break all day? Worked straight through lunch or skipped brushing your teeth to finish that new project? Starting start to get irritated with your man? You’re a busy woman after all; can’t he help with the cooking or cleaning?
Even when your work is done your brain won’t shut off.
You stop in the middle of yoga to jot down your newest idea or spend a hike brainstorming an upcoming launch.
If any of the above scenarios sound a little too familiar you may be one of the many femmeprenuers suffering from health ailments. Maybe you have digestive issues, skin ailments, or hormonal imbalances. When I first started my business as a natural fertility specialist, I was shocked that so many women turning up for my program were entrepreneurs. Now I realize why: We believe balance to be overrated.
We inadvertently put our businesses before our friends, families, and health. We’ll get outside tomorrow or spend time with family after this next big project. The problem is it never ends.
There will never be this “I have arrived” feeling. We’re never “done.” We work ourselves to the bone, putting loads of pressure on ourselves, all the while never wondering or caring what it’s doing to our health.
As women, our bodies are constantly in motion, our hormones always in flux. So it’s strange that we try to conquer the world every single day. We aren’t static.
Unlike men, women think, feel, and act differently from week to week depending on where we are in our menstrual cycles.
Have you ever tried to write a blog only to find you couldn't get your thoughts together? Some days you are on fire and can churn out 1500 words in a heartbeat. Others it takes hours just to put a paragraph together. The reason is simple: Our hormones are constantly changing.
Just as there are four seasons of the year, there are four phases of a woman’s body: Menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. By knowing where my body is at any given time, I know what work will best suit my current stamina and strengths. I now feel on fire every single day and my clients get me at my absolute best.
In the past few months I launched new products, took on several new clients, started a new podcast series, and wrote articles for several accomplished magazines. All the while I had plenty of time to run a youth ministry, play my harp, and enjoy long dinners with friends and neighbors in the gorgeous summer weather.
How do I do it all? I’m not running around stressed to the max, always wishing there was more time in my day.
In fact, whenever someone asks what I’ve been up to, I love boasting “Not much!” instead of my usual “busy.” Thanks to my newfound management program, my body, I have completely revolutionized both my health and my business.
I do all my marketing during my follicular phase when I’m at my most energized, all my writing during my ovulatory phase when I’m most creative, and all my reading and learning during my luteal phase when I’m most receptive. My menstrual phase? Quality me time.
Sure there are some constants. I see clients every week regardless of where I am in my cycle. But the vast majority of my work is centered on what I need that day. I use my intuition to guide my work load, not my to-do list, and I take a break if it feels like too much. More often than not, that refreshed feeling of quality me-time carries over into my work. As a result, my best work, my most fun clients, and yes, even the most cash flow, comes when I’m feeling centered, not stressed.
Now I can spend a weekend white water rafting with my family, or going to Yosemite with my husband without worry that my business will flounder in my absence. I don’t experience brain fog when I’m trying to write a speaking abstract or get writers block when I’m posting a new blog. I feel vibrant and energetic when I’m running my workshops and knowledgeable and professional when I’m working with clients. And all it took was a little feminine planning.
Just as you would build your business around your passion, building your work around your body has profound effects on the way you work and live and can even save your health in the process.
About Elle:
Hi, I'm Elle! I'm a natural fertility expert and feminine vitality coach. Through private coaching, I help women fall in love with their menstrual cycles and heal their beautiful bodies.
My work is not about making babies. It’s about falling in love with the rhythm of your body. It’s about tapping into your fun, flirty, femininity. It’s about unlocking your divine feminine wisdom. It’s about living a life so bursting with passion, pleasure, and possibility that anything can take root, anything can grow. Only then can you experience true healing, true fertility. Only then can you give birth to the life of your dreams.
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